Signs of the Times – 3 Nep 16, 20-22 Harmony

Signs of the Times – 3 Nep 16, 20-22 Harmony

3 Nephi 16, 20-22 Harmony Study Guide

Ezra Taft Benson’s 1981 talk on preparing for the great day of the Lord,s/ezra-taft-benson/prepare-great-day-lord/

In these mountains Zion is to be built up, in fulfillment of prophecy,Isa. 40:9 and every jot and tittle that has been spoken of her must come to pass.Matt. 5:18 The last is first, and the first will be last.Matt. 20:16 The Gospel was first sent directly to the Jews; the Savior himself was of that lineage, through the loins of David. He came to his own, but they received him not.John 1:11 He was reproached of them, from the day of his birth until they crucified him on the cross. Consequently, the risen Redeemer commanded his Apostles to turn to the Gentiles.Acts 13:46 They received the work, and enjoyed the gifts and blessings of the Gospel, even the Comforter, the Holy Ghost; and the Priesthood continued with them until a portion of them became unworthy of it, through their falling away, while the faithful were harassed and persecuted to their death. The Gospel is now restored to us Gentiles, for we are all Gentiles in a national capacity, and it will continue with us if we are faithful, until the law is bound, and the testimony sealed,Isa. 8:16 and the times of the Gentiles are fulfilled, when it will again revert to the Jews, whom the Lord will have prepared to receive it.1 Ne. 10:12-141 Ne. 15:12-19 They will gather to their own land, taking with them their gold and silver, and will rebuild their city and temple, according to the prediction of Moses and the Prophets. When this time arrives, which is nigh, even at our doors, let the Gentile nations who reject the Gospel which is now sent to them, prepare to meet the judgments of an offended God!3 Ne. 16:4-15 For when their cup is full even to the [p. 221a]brim, the Lord will then remember the chastisements of the Jews, his favored people, and at whose hands they will have received double for their iniquities.Isa. 40:2Jer. 16:18 Offenses must come, said the Savior, but woe unto them by whom they come.Matt. 18:7 Woe unto the Gentiles, who have administered afflictions to the Jews for these many years! Woe unto them if they now reject this only means of salvation, for the awful calamities spoken of in these books, the Bible and Book of Mormon, will certainly befall them.  Willford Woodruff
